Fun Corporate Training Workshops
Your corporate training is missing something. You throw in a joke or two. They didn’t land well. Number one customer service tech has a dry sense of humor. It didn’t translate well with the client on the phone. Not all jokes should be heard. What one person finds funny could offend another.
Tim Gard works with companies around the globe on how to incorporate humor into their profession to connect and energize, diffuse tension with challenging situations, enhance teamwork, and overcome obstacles.
Humor, when used effectively, can be a vehicle to rapidly establish rapport, break down barriers, and make people quickly receptive to new ideas.
Humor, when used ineffectively, can create toxicity. Too often we hear of people losing their job because of an offhanded joke because they didn’t stop and think. (Not talking about bullies. Show them the door!!)
So how do you incorporate humor into your training to make it better (i.e., energize); help employees to use a little humor when dealing with challenging situations (i.e., diffuse tension); and develop group cohesiveness among the great diversity of the team (i.e., lead)?
With training humor can be learned. Humor can become a skill.
Taking the Comic Vision™ technique that he shares at conferences as a keynote speaker, Tim Gard provides in-depth guidance in his workshops for corporate leaders and trainers on how to incorporate the Comic Vision™ process and techniques into their own corporate training.
Tim’s training workshops are customized for each group based on current challenges and goals. They can be as short as a half day (train the trainer on steroids) or as long as 2 days in length.
Sticky Safety
Employee Safety
Tim Gard uses neuroscience, neurolinguistic programming, humor, emotional context, and stories to give your team easy-to-remember phrases that improve their compliance.
The Tao of Humor
Leadership Development
Tim Gard shows leaders how to focus on developing a “positive” humor plan that motivates others while defining what is permissible and what is not in the workplace.
Change the Game!
Stress Reduction
Tim Gard developed 3 easy-to-adopt steps for you to shift your perspective and see the humorous reality of daily stressors.
Laughter Becomes You
Employee Motivation
Tim Gard help people diffuse routine or extreme stress by insulating themselves against negativity—both at work and in their personal lives.
Not sure which to choose? Contact Tim to discuss your goals.
Sometimes we get locked in patterns of reactivity, fear or upset. A kind act can not only defuse the negative emotions, but in that process a window opens for more positive solutions.
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Be the Gold Standard of excellence in all you do.
Each day, no matter where you may be, find, intentionally notice and mentally record a moment in time that will bring you a smile again and again.
Contact Tim Gard for your next Event